Monday, March 10, 2008

Poor Guster

Our siamese cat Guster is very neurotic.  When we first set up the nursery and kicked him out of that room he started pulling out his fur.  After Emma was born his tail was almost bald.  After this last vacation we came home and his back is now bald too.  Poor cat, I am not sure what to do!  But this whole blog doesn't have to be about a cat, how lame would that be...hmmm?  It was so nice here today, it was 40º and the snow was melting.  Pretty soon I will be back outside and I cannot wait!  The gallery is fairly slow right now, but we are going to have a new show coming up.  Kelly Thompson is next and I can't wait to see his work.  Ok that is all I got!  Have a great day!


JaK Random Art said...

BTW we thought my cat was neurotic too when we moved to our new house she started biting her fur off. She pulls at her fur and makes bald spots. We took her to a vet dermatologist and she is allergic to dust mites and pollen. Now she takes medicine and she is much better.

Reed said...

but also, siamese cats are crazy.